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Personal Contribution

Students choose their own course fee from the options provided at the end of the introductory talk and base this personal decision on their household income. This type of equitable exchange is a practice from India dating back thousands of years and is an effort on my part to maintain the purity and consistency of the teaching tradition.


Because students of higher means subsidize students of lesser means, course contributions are based on ones own fundamental integrity (Honor System). Choosing one’s own course fee allows everyone who wants to learn the ability to take the course 


$500 (full-time students, military and retirees)

$800 (annual household income < $75,000)

$1,200 (annual household income between $75,000-$125,000)

$1,700 (annual household income between $125,000-$250,000)

$2,500 (annual household income > $250,000)


Private teaching prices are available upon request.


Contact me for the current course fee when learning in Portugal.


Thoughts or questions?  Please feel free to contact me. I look forward to meeting you.


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